Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Year With Thomas Merton - March 19

Shining Like the Sun

(Feast of St. Joseph; Merton makes Solemn Vows at Gethsemani on March 19, 1947)

Yesterday, in Louisville, at the corner of Fourth and Walnut, suddenly realized that I loved all the people and that none of them were or could be totally alien to me. As if waking from a dream--a dream of my separateness, of the "special" vocation to be different. My vocation does not really make me different from the rest of men or put me in a special category except artificially, juridically. I am still a member of the human race, and what more glorious destiny is there for man, since the Word was made flesh and became, too, a member of the Human Race!

Thank God! Thank God! I am only another member of the human race, like all the rest of them. I have the immense joy of being man, a member of a race in which God Himself became incarnate. As if the sorrows and stupidities of the human condition could overwhelm me, now that I realize what we all are. And if only everybody could realize this! But it cannot be explained. There is no way of telling people that they are all walking around shining like the sun.

march 19, 1958, III.181-83

1 comment:

  1. Because my friend Bob says you're supposed to wear red on St. Joseph's Day.
